Friday, December 30, 2005

Home Based Businesses, Success Or Failure

Home Based Businesses, Success Or Failure

Copyright © Joseph Kohlen

() Individuals, companies, whomever,have been using "The Internet" since its existance to try to get people to come around to their programs, flashy web sites, with all the bells and whistles, promises of instant wealth, with sayings, such as "if I can do it you can do it", it seems to be a constant type of challange to all computer users, trying their skill to get "in" at the right time, before the upline people take off with the bank account, or the law steps in to squash dreams and lower the desire of unfortunate individuals to try again.
I have been one of those unfortunate individuals who have been lied to, by dishonest people, had money taken from me and at this point in time I am in the process of taking legal action against these criminals, who were hard to find and had used my money to purshase Real Estate,fancy cars and other toys. (I will be reporting on the progress, along with other information about these dudes, in my blogs, as time goes on)
Now, it does not have to be that way, however there is always a cost to learn the hard way. I have paid that price and I continued to explore the avenues available on line, in the Home Based Business world. There are a lot of genuine people on line and we need to get attached to them to be successful and enjoy working together, for success and friendship.
We need to keep reporting on the "slime bags" out there and make it difficult for them to succeed at whatever endeavor they are doing.
I have done all the research I need to do, to be comfortable with the internet business that I am in and I can get on the phone and talk to people in my affiliate community, which makes me very satisfied.

About The Author:
Not long ago, I didn't know ANYTHING about Internet marketing...
However, within just 2 weeks, I launched my own website AND
learned how to profit from an opt-in list, pull in sales with
ezines, make money with Google Adwords and setup my own BLOG!
Here's how:

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